Blogger Layouts

Friday, 2 December 2011

This Book Also Have 7 Contents Such As :

  1. Globalization and the challenge to historical analysis.
  2. Emerging patterns of contact, 1200 BCE 1000 CE: a preparatory phase
  3. 1000 CE as turning point: the birth of globalization?
  4. 1500 as turning point: the birth of globalization?
  5. The 1850s as turning point: the birth of globalization?
  6. Globalization since the 1940s: a new global history?
  7. Conclusion: the historical perspective

  • issues covered include :
* The factors that have shaped the process of globalization - including economics, migration, disease transmission, culture, the environment and politics.

* How and why reactions to globalization differ across societies. Rigions examined include Japan, the Middle East, Africa and China.

* The advantages and disadvantages brought by globalization. 

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